Bohemian Birds, "The Travel Society for Curious Minds", selected me as their waxwing award winner this month! Here's what they said:
India, women and bellydancing in Finnish dancer’s documentary
Hailing from snowwhite Finland, Zaina Brown made her way into the bellydancing world on a journey to follow her dream. After years of traveling and practicing the enchanting art of bellydance across the Middle East, Africa and South-East Asia, she is filming a documentary about India, bellydancing and being a snowwhite woman in the world’s second most populous country.
Simon van Woerden: “Miss Brown! How are things?”
Zaina Brown: “Good, I’ve been back in India now after a trip to Europe. I’m doing a show tonight - it’s Friday, right? And maybe some more work on the weekend.”
SvW: “So tell me about your documentary! You blog, you’ve published a book of your stories which received glowing reviews and now you’re fundraising for your film project - what’s the script, how is it going?”
ZB: “Yeah! The crowdfunding campaign actually ends in a few days so please tell your readers to send me a dollar or two if they can, haha. The film is about India, my work as a bellydancer, about how it’s different from the Middle East and the Arab world. I was interested in the country’s society, in how women who dance are perceived, what it’s like to be a western woman here...”
Read the rest of our chat HERE.